There's no difference in substance between a 1611 or 1769 or an ESV for that matter. The KJV is an excellent translation but let's not exaggerate comparative differences. Christ is revealed as divine in the ESV.
Of course God preserves his word. The NT authors referred to the Masoretic and Seputagint texts as God's word yet there are differences. God preserves his word in the manuscript tradition and differences between quality translations are minimal. I view God preserving his word in a similar way to the author of Hebrews would with the Seputagint.
Are you saying the 1611 KJV has no errors whatsoever? It definitely had minor errors hence the 1769 tweaks. Granville Sharp rule was not in existence in 1769 either.
I'd rather focus on key issues and arguments rather than ad hominem attacks. Thanks. God bless your ministry.