The Qur’an Calls Allah the Greatest Deceiver and Affirms the Bible — Is Islam Self-Refuting? 1-Minute Case
PLUS Exploring Tanzih- Nothing in This World Is Remotely Like Allah in ANY Sense
New Testament Manuscript P46 By Unknown author, Public Domain,
Is Islam self-refuting? Here are 3 quick considerations. Please note that this article is focused on worldview analysis, and we have no interest in engaging in personal attacks.
1. The Qur’an says go to the Bible if in doubt about the Qur’an
Surah 10:94 states, “So if you are in doubt, [O Muḥammad], about that which We have revealed to you, then ask those who have been reading the Scripture before you.” In other words, if you doubt the Qur’an go to the Bible (Torah and Gospel described as Scripture in 3:65)!
This makes no sense if Muhammad is Allah’s final, ultimate prophet delivering a clear revelation that supersedes all prior revelations. Furthermore, this verse contradicts the common Muslim claim that the Bible has been corrupted.
Surah 6:34 and 18:27 affirm that no one can change the words of Allah, and in Surah 5:47, people of the Gospel are urged to judge by the Gospel revealed by Allah (a.k.a. Allah’s words).
2. No one is safe from Allah’s deception and Allah is called the greatest of deceivers
Surah 7:99 states, “No one feels secure from the plan of Allāh except the losing people.” Only losing people feel secure Allah will not turn on or trick them. The Arabic word makr, translated as “plan,” can also mean “deception,” according to Lane’s Arabic-English Lexicon.
A literal English translation of Surah 3:54 describes Allah as “the best (of) the cheaters/deceivers.” Definitions aside, here’s some examples. Allah makes it appear that Jesus died on the cross when he supposedly didn’t (4:157), deceives Muhammad about the number of enemy troops at the Battle of Badr (8:43–44), instructs Satan how to trick, lure and assault people (17:64), and leads people astray from the truth (40:33).
3. Tanzih- Nothing in this world is remotely like Allah in any sense
Tanzih is based on Surah 42:11. An Islamic Q and A site explains, “There is no similitude between Allah and His creation…in any way.” If this is true, how can humans interpret Allah’s words through a book written in a human language?
Wouldn’t that be, at least in some sense, similar to how we interpret human words- yet humans are part of creation? How does Allah speak to Moses (Surah 4:164) or have hands (Surah 38:75) and a shin (Surah 68:42)?
Under an Islamic worldview, you cannot trust that Allah is not tricking you, nor does it make sense to believe Allah’s words are comprehensible in human language.
If in doubt, the Qur’an itself points you to the Bible. In Christianity, God does not lie (Titus 1:2), we are made in His image (Gen. 1:27) and He took on flesh through Jesus to bring you salvation (John 1:14).
For more details read here:
Islam: A Self-Refuting Worldview?
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