Islam: A Self-Refuting Worldview?
3 WAYS Islam Refutes Islam
1. If in doubt about the Qur’an go to the Bible- The Qur’anic/ Islamic Dilemma
2. The Great Deceiver is the source of ultimate truth? Only losers think they are safe from Allah’s deception
3. Tanzih- nothing is remotely like Allah in this world in any sense yet we somehow know about Allah in this world and have Allah’s word in a human language
BONUS: How Christianity offers a better alternative
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Today we will be performing a worldview analysis on the coherence of Islam.
This article has nothing to do with personal attacks or anything of the sort, rather we are analysing the coherence of a philosophical and religious system of thought.
Internal critique
Islam, when examined internally, reveals major inconsistencies that make its worldview incoherent.
In effect, various core statements made by Muslim apologists or the Qur’an undercut other core statements made by Muslim apologists or the Qur’an.
In this article we will explore 3 brief ways Islam refutes itself. Subsequently, we will provide a brief synopsis of how Christianity provides a better alternative in these 3 key areas.
1. If in doubt about the Qur’an go to the Bible- The Qur’anic/ Islamic Dilemma
Any time I’ve had a conversation with a Muslim on matters of faith, within 2 minutes they will mention that the Bible has been corrupted. Except there’s a big problem with this.
And.. no.. I’m not even talking about the fact this claim is at odds with the evidence the Bible has been reliably preserved as we have discussed elsewhere.
The Qur’an vs The Bible: Perfect Word-for-Word Preservation vs A Hopelessly Corrupted Text?
I’m talking about something that’s much closer to home for Muslims. The claim the Gospel has been corrupted contradicts the Qur’an.
What’s the Injil or Gospel?
People of the Gospel are told to judge by.. the Gospel!
If the Gospel had been corrupted at the time of Muhammad, why did Muhammad and Allah urge people to follow the Gospel!
Clearly, they were either intentionally deceiving people, or the Gospel was never corrupted.
Given we have manuscripts from before Muhammad that mirror the message in the Bible we have today, it is not feasible to suggest the Bible was corrupted after Muhammad.
Think I’m making it up? Well read these passages for yourself from the Qur’an and make sure you keep reading because it actually gets worse..
Surah 5:47: And let the People of the Gospel judge by what Allāh has revealed therein. And whoever does not judge by what Allāh has revealed — then it is those who are the defiantly disobedient.
Surah 5:68: Say, “O People of the Scripture, you are [standing] on nothing until you uphold [the law of] the Torah, the Gospel, and what has been revealed to you from your Lord [i.e., the Qur’ān].” And that which has been revealed to you from your Lord will surely increase many of them in transgression and disbelief. So do not grieve over the disbelieving people.
We could list plenty more passages but you get the message. Judge by the Gospel. You are standing on nothing in life until you uphold the Gospel!
In other words, any Muslim who wishes to say the Gospel has been corrupted is going against Allah and Muhammad. In case you’re wondering the Gospels teach some things that clearly go against Islamic teaching. More here:
Is the Trinity in the Old Testament? 30 Passages for Consideration
Did Christians COOK UP the Trinity? Responding to Religion and Politics at The Dinner Table
Is Jesus GOD in Matthew, Mark and Luke? 20 Key Considerations
Short Conversations: Did Jesus Think He Is God?
Does MATTHEW Teach Jesus Is God? 25 Passages in Matthew Identifying Jesus with the Old Testament God
But hold on.. It gets worse. How?
Surah 10:94:
So if you are in doubt, [O Muḥammad], about that which We have revealed to you, then ask those who have been reading the Scripture before you. The truth has certainly come to you from your Lord, so never be among the doubters.
In other words, Muhammad is told if he is in doubt about what has been revealed in the Qur’an to go to the Christians and Jews who have been reading the Torah and the Gospel. In other words, if you doubt what’s in the Qur’an go to the Bible!
People of the Scripture
To further confirm this, in Surah 3:65 Christians and Jews (people who follow the Gospel and or Torah) are considered people of the Scripture!
Surah 3:65: O People of the Scripture, why do you argue about Abraham while the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed until after him? Then will you not reason?
Yet, the Qur’an is considered by Muslims to be Allah’s final and ultimate revelation to mankind so why subordinate revelation in the Qur’an to the Torah and Gospel?
Plus obviously if the Torah and Gospel had been corrupted at the time of Muhammad, it would make no sense to urge Muhammad to go to people who have the Torah and the Gospel is he is in doubt.
In effect, Allah is saying that the Torah and the Gospel were reliably preserved up until the time of Muhammad!
Allah will not allow his words to be corrupted
We also know that Allah will not allow his words to be corrupted! Surah 6:34 and 18:27 affirm that no one can change the words of Allah!
As we saw in Surah 5:47, the Gospel has been revealed by Allah (aka is Allah’s words).
By Unknown author, Public Domain,
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2. The Great Deceiver is the source of ultimate truth? Only losers think they are safe from Allah’s deception
The importance of truth in Islamic teaching is emphasised in places such as Surah 2:42 and 103:3.
Moreover, Muslims view the Qur’an as a source of Allah’s truth and see truth and morality ultimately grounded in Allah.
Are you safe from Allah’s deception or schemes against you?
However, there’s a big problem- no one is safe from Allah’s deception. You think you’re safe from Allah’s deception and that’s a definite sign you’ve placed yourself amongst the losers (Surah 7:99).
If you think you’re not safe from Allah’s deception can you trust anything you think Allah says? How do you know that the Qur’an or your religion is also not an intentional deception from Allah?
How do you know you will be saved on the day of judgement? How do you know you know how to live righteously? How do you know Muhammad himself was not deceived or tricked by Allah?
File:Gustave Courbet — Le Désespéré (1843).jpg
Your options
Your options are you either think you’re safe from Allah’s deception and list yourself amongst those who are losers (Surah 7:99), or live your life with a constant epistemic dread that everything you believe may be based on a deception from Allah!
In other words, you’re forced to adopt a non-functional worldview.
Bold claims?
Hold on, you might say.. What’s your basis for making such bold claims?
Simple. The Qur’an. Not my personal opinions.
Surah 7:99:
Then, did they feel secure from the plan of Allāh? But no one feels secure from the plan of Allāh except the losing people.
Note here, no one can feel secure against the plan of Allah. As a result, can you really feel secure Allah will not turn on you or deceive you?
If you do, you are amongst the losing people.
File:Cole Thomas The Course of Empire Destruction 1836.jpg
Makr- Deceit?
The Arabic word makr, here translated as plan, can also be translated as deception.
Google translate
Translating مكر into Google Translate reads as cunning, wiliness or deceit.
Accessed from Google Translate on Feb 15
An English literal translation of Surah 7:99 could read:
Did they secure God`s scheme/deceit ? So no(one) trusts God`s scheme/deceit except the nation the losers.
Arabic-English lexicon
Even an Islamic site, claims makr can be translated as plotting, planning or deceiving.
Edward William Lane in his Arabic-English Lexicon, defines makr as: He practised deceit, guile, or circumvention; or he practised deceit, guile, or circumvention, desiring to do to another a foul, an abominable, or an evil, action, clandestinely, or without his knowing whence it proceeded;
Allah- the best of deceivers?
Under a literal translation, Allah can be defined as the best of deceivers in Surah 3:54.
And they cheated/deceived and God cheated/deceived, and God (is) the best (of) the cheaters/deceivers.
Saheeh International words this slightly differently:
And they [i.e., the disbelievers] planned, but Allāh planned. And Allāh is the best of planners.
Muslim scholars such as al-Razi and Al-Qurtubi note that while makr normally has negative connotations when applied to humans, the context is different when applied to Allah.
However, even if we go with the word plan you’re still left constantly questioning if Allah has planned something against you and if you don’t question this you’re amongst the losers!
Not just about definitions- let’s look at some examples
Yet, this case doesn’t rest solely on semantics or definitions. Rather we can look at some examples in the Qur’an where Allah tricks Muhammad and the followers of his prophet Jesus.
Note that whoever obeys Muhammad has obeyed Allah (Surah 4:80) and Muhammad is described as of great moral character (Surah 68:4) and an excellent example (Surah 33:21). Moreover, Muhammad is deemed Allah’s final and ultimate prophet.
As such, if Muhammad was tricked by Allah what hope do 21st century Muslims have today?
Allah tricked people into thinking Jesus was crucified
Under the common Muslim interpretation, it was made to appear Jesus was crucified but Jesus did not actually die. Another person who died was made to resemble Jesus. Why did Allah trick people who later were prepared to die for the belief Jesus died and rose again? People who sincerely thought they were following Allah’s prophet.
Surah 4:157:
And [for] their saying, “Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, the messenger of Allāh.” And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but [another] was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain.
In Surah 3:55, Allah says to Jesus that he will set his followers above the disbelievers until the day of resurrection, yet we know from history the earliest followers of Jesus thought Jesus died on the cross and in that case were deceived!
The Christianity that took over the Roman Empire or set believers higher in the world was one that believed Jesus died on the cross!
Allah sends people astray and coaches Satan how to deceive humans
Surah 40:33 explains:
And whoever Allāh sends astray — there is not for him any guide.
In Surah 17:64 when Allah speaks to Satan he coaches Satan on how to best tempt and humanity and outlines strategies of destruction, deception or distraction.
“And incite [to senselessness] whoever you can among them with your voice and assault them with your horses and foot soldiers and become a partner in their wealth and their children and promise them.” But Satan does not promise them except delusion.
Allah tricks Muhammad on the number of troops at the battle of Badr making them appear as less than they were
[Remember, O Muḥammad], when Allāh showed them to you in your dream as few; and if He had shown them to you as many, you [believers] would have lost courage and would have disputed in the matter [of whether to fight], but Allāh saved [you from that]. Indeed, He is Knowing of that within the breasts. And [remember] when He showed them to you, when you met, as few in your eyes, and He made you [appear] as few in their eyes so that Allāh might accomplish a matter already destined. And to Allāh are [all] matters returned.
Notice here Allah is playing with Muhammad’s perception, making the troops appear as few instead of many.
Some may cite 2 Thessalonians 2 in response where God sends strong delusion on people, however, this is to condemn people that hate the truth and already “did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (2 Thess. 2:12).
In other words, God is giving them what they want, giving them over to their desires. In effect, God is allowing people’s consciences to no longer way them down as they choose to believe lies.
This is very different to God deceiving his prophet or making it appear that Jesus died instead of the person who actually died.
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3. Tanzih- nothing is remotely analogous to Allah in any sense in this world yet we somehow know about Allah in this world and have his word in a human language
Notice the Oxford Reference definition of the word tanzih:
Doctrine of divine exemption according to which God is unique and in no way like anything created. The basis of the prohibition of anthropomorphism (tashbih).
This is based on Surah 42:11:
[He is] Creator of the heavens and the earth. He has made for you from yourselves, mates, and among the cattle, mates; He multiplies you thereby. There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
An Islamic Q and A site explains:
Tanzih refers to affirming, in absolute and emphatic terms, that there is no similitude between Allah and His creation. Allah does not resemble His creation in any way, and there is no creation that is similar to Him in any way. No imagination can conceive of Him and no understanding can comprehend Him, as He is different from all created beings.
Notice the strong wording here- there is no similitude in any way! Nothing at all. Zero similarity between Allah and anything in this world!
However, if Allah is in no way like anything created, how can the Qur’an, as a text in human language, serve as true representation of Allah’s word? How can humans possibly interpret or understand Allah’s word?
Allah’s word in a human language?
How can the Qur’an exist in a human language? If Allah’s attributes cannot be expressed in created form, then the Qur’an cannot be Allah’s literal speech.
Moreover, what does it mean for Allah to have a face (Surah 55:27), hands (Surah 38:75), a shin (Surah 68:42), eyes (Surah 54:14) and a throne (Surah 20:5)?
How does Allah speak to Moses with direct speech (Surah 4:164), if speech is a created act in this world?
How does Allah descend into lowest heaven at night (Sahih Muslim 758b) if being in a location is something analogous to life in this world?
How does Allah establish his throne (Surah 20:5) if establishing is an act in time analogous to how a human king establishes his throne in time?
If Allah is unlike anything in creation and is in no way analogous to anything in creation what is the value of these descriptions? If we can’t comprehend or understand Allah in any sense (we can’t escape this world and nothing in this world has any similarity with Allah in any sense) what value do these statement add?
This means that the doctirne of Tanzih is incompatible with many passages in the Qur’an despite stemming from the Qur’an itself.
Either Allah is like some things in creation in at least some sense or he is not. If he is, why say Allah is unlike anything in this world in any sense? If he is not like anything in this world in any sense, then how can you really know anything about Allah or Allah’s words?
For even his words would be interpreted through the lens of something in this world like a human language!
Sunrise (1847) Frederic Edwin Church
A better alternative- A Christian Worldview
The Christian worldview offers a more coherent and trustworthy alternative to the self-refuting claims of Islam.
The God of the Bible cannot lie (Titus 1:2) and only sends strong delusion on people who wilfully reject the truth (2 Thess. 2:10–12).
As such, God preserves His perfect justice. The Christian God is Transcendent and Other (Is. 55:8–9), yet also personal and immanent.
Since humans are made in God’s image (Gen. 1:24) and, in Jesus, God took on human flesh (John 1:14) to save humans from their sins (Matt. 20:28), we can have a real relationship with Him, unlike the unknowable, distant deity of Islam.
Christianity upholds a God who is both sovereign and relational, truthful and just, transcendent yet near — offering a worldview that is both logically consistent and deeply personal.
Through the saving work of Jesus you don’t need to live in constant fear for the rest of your life that you are being deceived by God, rather, you can have full assurance the work for you has been done.
You cannot work your way to a deity that is nothing like you or this world in any way. Yet, through Jesus, the lost can be sought and saved (Luke 19:10).
More articles on Islam below:
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The Qur’an vs The Bible: Perfect Word-for-Word Preservation vs A Hopelessly Corrupted Text?
Heaping Muslim Sins on Christians: Atonement in Islam?
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Did Christians COOK UP the Trinity? Responding to Religion and Politics at The Dinner Table
Is Jesus GOD in Matthew, Mark and Luke? 20 Key Considerations
Short Conversations: Did Jesus Think He Is God?
Does MATTHEW Teach Jesus Is God? 25 Passages in Matthew Identifying Jesus with the Old Testament God
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