How is Jesus God’s Only Son when Adam and others are called God’s sons? 1-Minute Case

Street Theologian
3 min readJun 16, 2024


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How is Jesus God’s Only Son when Adam etc are called God’s sons? 1-Minute Case

Jesus is God’s “only Son” in John 3:16 (ESV) or monogenes. Yet, in Luke 3:38, Adam is called God’s son. In Job 1:6, the sons of God (or heavenly beings) present themselves before God. Christians are called children of God (Rom. 8:12–14).

The word monogenes can be translated “only Son” or “unique kind or type of Son”. Moulton and Milligan note in Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament p.416–417 “monogenes is literally “one of a kind”, “only”, “unique” (unicus), not only-begotten which would be monogenytos (uni-genitus).” See also Heb. 11:17 where Isaac is called Abraham’s monogenes (1 of 8 sons).

In Mark 13:32, Jesus employs anabasis, whereby he elevates the Son above humans and angels (no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father). See our article Did Jesus think he is God? Short Conversations.

Jesus is called both the Son and God in Hebrews 1:8, creating and sustaining all things. Sits at the right hand of the Power, indicating co-rulership (Mark 14:60–64, Daniel 7:9–14). Hebrews 1:13 & 2:9 elevate Jesus above angels. Jesus applied YHWH passages to himself (Matt. 21:16).

Acts 13:29–33 and Hebrews 5:5–10 quote Psalm 2:7 “You are my Son; today I have begotten you”. Acts 13:33 ties Jesus being begotten to raised from the dead. Hebrews 5:9–10 applies it to Jesus completing his mission on earth. In these verses, being begotten has nothing to do with commencing existence. Jesus is God’s Son by nature in having the same divine essence (uncreated etc), not by creation or through biological processes.

For more detail read here:

Jesus: Uncreated God, yet Begotten Firstborn Son?

Short Conversations: Did Jesus think he is God?

Why Call Me Good: Did Jesus Deny Being God? 1-Minute Case

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Street Theologian
Street Theologian

Written by Street Theologian

Theology and apologetics for those who want to get their hands dirty

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