Hey Steve how you doing my friend?
Hope you keeping well!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
This was article was about if Constantine invented the idea of Jesus as God and also draws on the Council of Nicaea (which voted affirming Christ's nature as God and this was not a decision made by Constantine himself).
I think the history here has more to it than people realise.
For example, Athanasius was later banished by Constantine despite affirming Christ's divinity at Nicaea. Quite a few of the bishops who attended Nicaea had faced serious persecution beforehand- lost limbs, damaged eyes etc.
Later Roman Emperors supported Arianism, even Pope Liberius did!
Similarly with Protestantism the likes of Jan Hus were burned at the stake in the 1400s well before the events I think you're describing.
Am I here to suggest Protestantism and Constantine have a squeaky clean record? Absolutely not. Just saying we should focus on arguments in their historical context and be careful of throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
To dismiss the Council of Nicaea as simply a useful life is overly simplistic in my view.
Have a good rest of week!