1. These aren't my dates as such but Professor Pitre's as noted in the reference. Moreover, I included a reference for further discussion on dates for people such as yourself who would correctly point out there is some variation in views on some of the dates.
2. The other reasons to think the names weren't just randomly attributed at whim later was points 1-4. Moreover, Mark and Luke weren't big names. Mary was very prominent in Jesus life and an eyewitness. Either way most Gnostic Gospel examples are prominent eyewitness male names.
3. I included the source for Papias quote under point 3 , Mark section. Same source as Papias also quotes Irenaeus etc although we have other sources for Irenaeus. Justin still clearly thought apostles wrote about Jesus and Tatian wrote the Diatessaron on the 4 Gospels and sat under Justin.
4. The analogy reflects a probable case for traditions in those countries. It is an analogy so not exact. Names more likely to have come from an early source than be invented later separately. Rome- Muratorian Fragment etc. France- Irenaeus. Carthage and Alexandria- strong traditions on Gospel authors etc. Syria- Scholars Williams and Gathercole contend Gospel copying took place in this area from early 200s etc.